Plein Air Still Life + Flowers in a Natural Landscape
with Irina Rybakova
ArtStudioOnline The group meets weekly on ZOOM with Irina for 1.5 hours as she discusses and demonstrates each flower painting assignment with a pre-recorded, real-time video from each outdoor location. Individual critiques follow with the group posting prior to each session. Emphasis on color, composition, paint handling and changing light effects. Meets on Zoom in English with posts on private FB Page.
DATE TBA: Wednesdays, $450.00
Lesson #5: Painting a Flower Still Life, Nasturtiums in a Vase
“The world of the Russian village and the daily life of its villagers are the main subjects of Irina Rybakova’s artwork. People coming to her exhibitions often say her paintings talk to them and show her deep love for Russian nature, character and culture.”
Irina Rybakova, is a noted painter and teacher of Russian landscape painting, whose choice of subject matter, the Russian village and village workers, are her dearest subjects. Irina's work is represented in museums, galleries and private collections worldwide. Join us for ArtStudioOnline.
Workshops Overview
Each session meets live, 1.5 hrs in English, on Zoom. Workshops are comprised of 6 Lessons, each with recorded video demonstrations of Irina painting assignments on location, followed by live group discussion and individual critiques. Assignments are painted in your home studio and posted to FB Group page prior to group meetings where individual works are reviewed live with Irina.
Emphasis on composition, color and light effects.
Lesson #1: Painting a Flower Still Life: Rose in a glass vase
Lesson #2: Painting Flowers in Nature: Wild Rosebush
Lesson #3: Painting Flowers in Nature: Hollyhocks
Lesson #4: Painting Flowers in Nature: Water lilies in a pond
Lesson #5: : Painting a Flower Still Life: Nasturtiums in a vase
Lesson #6: Painting Flowers in Landscape: French Willows in a field
Private Facebook Group Page: used for all communications and comments
ZOOM Links invitations: posted on FB Group Page
Individual Assignments: posted on FB Group Page
Reference Materials
Full-length Videos for each assignment are posted to FB Group Page (links to private YouTube)
Photo references for each assignment are posted on FB Group Page
Materials list will be emailed with registration confirmation and posted on FB Group Page
Irina Rybakova is a nationally known, recognized master of the Russian landscape and genre painting
About the Artist
Irina Rybakova is a nationally known, recognized master of the Russian landscape and genre painting. She was born in Vyshny Volochyok, Tver region, where she spent her early childhood in the Academical Dacha, known as plein air workshop studios for artists from all over Russia. It was here where she firmly decided to become an artist and never changed or regretted this decision.
Among Irina’s mentors helping her growth as an artists were many well-known Russian artists – Anatoli Levitin, Nikolai Kolupayev and Mikhail Kugach. As a successful and hardworking artist, Rybakova is also an active promoter of traditions of the Russian school of Realism.
Awards: Irina Rybakova is honored to receive multiple local and national level awards and titles, including the highly prestigious Merited Artist of Russian Federation
To see more of Irina Rybkova’s work, go to:
Akademicheskaya Dacha
Akademicheskaya Dacha (Russian: Академическая Дача) is a dacha (summer house) known as the oldest and major creative base of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. It is located near the town of Vyshny Volochyok in Tver Province, in a picturesque location on the banks of Msta River and Lake Mstino. In a broader sense, the Akademicheskaya Dacha (or "Akademichka") refers to the entire surrounding area including villages of Bolshoy Gorodok, Maliy Gorodok, Kisharino, Terpigorevo, Valentinovka and Podol, where many Russian artists resided in the mid-second half of the 20th century.
2022: Kostroma
Kostroma is a river port, and the administrative centre of Kostroma Region (with over 270,000 residents). This peaceful and charming provincial city is located on the banks of the River Volga. The city also acted as a cradle for the Romanov dynasty of Tsars. Kostroma is a major halt on the 'Golden Ring' tourist route – famous for its churches and monasteries.