Workshops for All Seasons
Former home and studio of Sweden’s master painter, Anders Zorn (1860-1920), is now the Zornmusseet
“When Zorn painted carefully, he painted quickly. Each brushstroke was precisely calculated before being executed. First the hand described the necessary motion in the air, and then the stroke was performed with style and confidence. . . Zorn never painted anything, not the least thing, haphazardly.”
Live + Online
2022: Saturday Workshop Series
1) INDOOR STUDIO: Saturdays, 10AM–3PM
Work independently, in small groups; $25.00
Half-Day Instruction: Oil, pastel or watercolor; $50.00
OUTDOORS: Saturdays, 10AM–3PM; $25.00
Private access on Ten Mile River in Narrowsburg, NY
2 VIRTUAL STUDIO (online, check for dates) $25.00
”Exploring the Zorn Palette,” ZOOM; 2 hours/ea.
Session I: Mixing High Chroma 4-color palette
Session II: Mixing Low Chroma 4-color palette
Paint Along: Still Life/Landscape/Portrait; Half days
3) Portrait Model ZOOM; Meets 2x Weekly, 2 Hours
Wednesdays (2-4PM) + Sundays (4-6PM); Uninstructed sketch/painting; Livestream on ZOOM, $10.00
Register on Eventbrite
ABOVE: Anders Zorn, self-portrait, using his 4-color limited palette.
Workshops for All Seasons: Overview
Our series begins with “Exploring the Zorn Palette, wherein we’ll build a 4-color limited palette used by Anders Zorn with two color-chart exercises using combinations of: Yellow Ochre, Vermillion, Lead White and Ivory Black. A brief art historical overview of his work — focusing on his landscapes and portraits in oil or watercolor will precede our online studio practicals and some history of the limited palette.
Zorn was not the first but perhaps the most notable practitioner of the limited palette and his virtuoso alla prima brushwork and that ranks among his more well-known contemporaries, John Singer Sargent and Joaquín Sorolla.
Meets 1X month, Saturdays, 2 hours on Zoom dates TBA
Meets 1X month, Saturdays 3 hours LIVE Studio dates TBA
SESSION I: November 20 (ZORN on ZOOM) 10AM–NOON
SESSION III: December 18 (LIVE Studio) @The Blue Fox, 9AM to NOON/Rescheduled
SESSION III: January 8 (LIVE Studio) @The Blue Fox, 9AM to NOON
SESSION IV: February 5 (LIVE Studio) @The Blue Fox, 9AM to 3PM
SESSION IV: March 5 (LIVE Studio) @The Blue Fox, 9AM to 3PM
SESSION I AND II: Color charts begin during our Sessions to be finished in your home studio before the next session. We’ll progress to using the Zorn Palette on original compositions (Landscape or Still Life) or a Zorn master copy. Meets 2X Month, ZOOM
Register online: ($25 per session)
2) INDOOR STUDIO: Landscapes + Still Life + Portrait
Explore the local landscape or indoor still life setups; Small group discussions and focused time for personal development. Materials overviews and best practices. Drawing and Painting in the medium of your choice. Meets 1X Month at The Blue Fox, Narrowsburg NY
Register online: $25.00 per session
3) Portrait Model ZOOM: @PortraitModelZOOM.
2 hours Painting or Drawing with Live model on ZOOM; Wednesdays from 2PM to 4PM and Sundays, 4PM to 6PM. Meets 2X Weekly
Register on Eventbrite: $10.00 per session
Zorn Workshop Materials List
When is the last time you were asked to buy only FOUR TUBES OF PAINT for a workshop? Purchasing quality brands (no fillers) may be a bit pricier, but necessary to achieve optimal chromatic results when mixing. Your Zorn Palette color charts can be used as a reference when analyzing Zorn’s work and when painting with a Zorn-based palette as your base. Zorn by no means restricted himself to 4-colors, especially in painting landscapes where blues and greens are a challenge, so we’ll see Viridian and Cobalt introduced to extend out the base palette.
Recommended Oil Paint Brands:
Michael Harding: Good quality and price; SEE Michael Harding Colours Paint brochure
Williamsburg: (Titanium White) or Gamblin (Flake White Replacement)
Vermillion: (Michael Harding); (Alternate, Cadmium Red)
Lead White (Michael Harding)
(Alternate, Flake White Replacement, Gamblin or Titanium White, Williamsburg)Ivory Black: (Michael Harding)
Yellow Ochre: (Michael Harding)
Mixing Palette: Grey Glass palette (tempered for safety) recommended for mixing
New Wave u.go Plein Air | Anywhere Grey Glass Palette: 9 x 13.5 inches
Fits in u.go Anywhere Pochade Box #00701New Wave Posh Glass Table top Palette: 9'' x 12'', Gray