The Landscape Sketch

Exploring Corot

The Landscape Sketch
Tools and Techniques on Paper
Old Stone House at Hasbrouck
282 Hasbrouck Rd, Woodbourne, NY

PART I: July 10, 9:30AM – 11:30AM
PART II: July 13, 9:30AM – 11:30AM
Explore the tools and techniques used by Camille Corot’s in his plein air sketches.
Donation: $10.
Supplies are included

All levels. Limited to 12 persons.


About the Workshop

The Landscape Sketch Workshop with Karen Meneghin is based on Camille Corot’s field sketches (French, 1796-1875), an important figure in 19th Century Plein Air painting. We’ll explore his various drawing tools, styles and techniques using dry media to gain insights when sketching plein air.
PART I: Select and interpret one of his drawing samples or work from a TONAL LANDSCAPE exercise. In PART II: Create an original landscape composition based on the local landscape at Old Stone House “after Corot.” Workshops are best taken sequentially, but you may take either one or all for a good understanding of his approach to the landscape sketch.

Our workshop was made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

PART I: Single Objects in Nature (Studies)
Corot explored various drawing styles to sketch the basic elements in a landscape (rocks, trees, mountains, etc.) that reappear in his large studio paintings. We’ll select a style and materials to create a landscape sketch “after Corot.” Media: (Canson papers, pencil, white/black charcoals)

PART II: Multiple-Objects in Nature (Composition)
Successful landscapes convey distance and atmosphere using mass, tone and lines in a decisive arrangement. You’ll select a “local scene” at Old Stone House and create an original landscape composition working in a style “after Corot.”Media: (Canson papers, pencil, white/black charcoals).